Bible Perversions Synopsis

By Prophet Jacob R. Blandford


When looking at the modern Bible version controversy/movement there are a lot of points to the issue.  It's certainly a multi-faceted issue, but the points and objections are very clear, concise, and easy to understand.  The evidence supports itself without conflictions and without complications.  However, there are many points to the issue.  That's why to tackle the topic it is necessary to address the issue with a book: that's why I think William Grady's book 'Final Authority' is so expedient.  'Final Authority' broadly address the whole issue yet touches on the details that bring together a clear picture and a firm defense of the King James Bible.  'Final Authority' also approaches the defense and research from a Scriptural and Scripturally-prophetic basis. (Which is the key to godly research, and true scholarship.)  And so, like I said, because there are many detailed points and 'sides-to-the-story' it really is good to conglomerate all the topics into one KJV Bible defense book, like 'Final Authority'. (Gipp's 'Answer Book' and Daniels’ ‘Answers To Your Bible Version Questions’ are also good books that topically tackle the controversy.)  It's like an issue that has many pieces, but when you put them all together (like in a book) then you see it put together as a puzzle and see a full and clear picture that reads "The KJV is God's only Bible!"


Now when you read a book like 'Final Authority' and you see these points addressed categorically and concisely, the fruit of this conglomeration is the following points... Number 1: you realize the whole modern bible movement is a hoax.  And if it's a hoax the devil is behind it because he's the father of lies, deceit, craft, and wiles.  The devil is also diametrically opposed to God's pure Words (viz. opposed to the truth, "...the words of truth..." [Prov. 22:21]), so therefore it's no surprise to find that evil wickedness is behind it all.  The modern bible perversion controversy could be likened to the hoax we see with the Mormons.  Their whole 'church' is a hoax, Joseph Smith being a prophet is a hoax, and the book of moron is a hoax.  And the reason it's a hoax is because the devil cleverly devises tactics to keep men from the truth. (It's the same objective to the modern bible perversions. No wonder W&H had interests in Mormonism.)  Number 2: what's the product of all this bible versions movement?  Has a perfect Bible come out of it?  Has modern scholarship come to " accord..." (Acts 1:14, 2:1, 46, 4:24, 5:12, 8:6, 15:25)?  Of course not.  The only thing they can agree on is to disagree with the KJV.  The product of their unbelieving, irreverent, and presumptuous scholarship is twofold: corruption and confusion.  That's exactly what the devil wants. (cf. I Cor. 14:33; James 3:16)  That's how I know the modern bible movement is NOT of God.  But contrarily, the devil, as the father of lies (cf. John 8:44), obviously fulfills his agenda as described in II Cor. 2:11, 4:3-4 with these corruptions of confusion.  Casting truth (KJV) to the ground and bringing in romish clouds of darkness (viz. modern bibles—Which 'ironically' come from the same manuscripts the catholic church used to kept the world ignorant to the truth throughout the dark ages.)  Number 3: you've deteriorated.  Instead of trusting the doctrinally-strong, pure, authoritative Holy Bible; modern scholarship has nearly flooded out (cf. Rev. 12:15) men's faith in the old 1611 landmark.  Instead of assurance, debate and doubt has been introduced.  Scripturally speaking, there's no way God's involved in that.  The devil one the other hand, as the "... enemy of all righteousness..." (Acts 13:10), has a prime priority in enslaving men in doubt, lies, and sinful debate. (The devil wouldn't be the devil if that's not what he did.)  But see that's opposite of God: God WANTS us to believe and the thing He's most concerned about us believing is His Word (viz. His Son—cf. Rev. 19:13; John 1:1, 14, 3:16).  ¶ But the modern bible movement is actually ancient. (see Gen. 3:1; Ecc. 1:9-10)  It's the same old devilish tactics and tricks of corrupting God's Words (cf. II Cor. 2:17, 4:2) that Satan used to create the Alexandrian texts and Jerome's Vulgate; which in turn fueled Catholicism and ushered in the dark ages.


            Now here are a few points of repudiation against this perverse movement.  Codex Sinaiticus (א) and Codex Vaticanus (B) are the two main manuscripts modern 'scholars' claim are the 'best' manuscripts.  But let's hit on some points!  Number one: just look at the name—Vaticanus.  Do you know who released it?  Vatican library.  That's Vatican City.  It's the headquarters of the most prominent, worldly, heretical, historically-obstinate, carnally-traditional, and murderous church of gangsters and fiends: the Roman Catholic church.  It's the city that the whore of Revelation 17 sits on.  It's the Antichrist's church that Apostle Paul described it in II Thess. 2:3-4.  Now what books are included as part of the Vaticanus Old Testament?  The apocryphal books.  Spurious books the Roman Catholic church canonized at the council of Trent.  Vaticanus (B) cuts off the Epistle to the Hebrews at Heb. 9:14.  And that's because the devil doesn't want Catholicism's priestcraft exposed.  Those verses from Hebrews demolish Romish priestly lies and reveal that the catholic mass is a blasphemous fraud, and purgatory is a papal fantasy that doesn't "purge" (see Heb. 1:3, 9:14, 22, 10:2) anybody! (Biblically, it's Christ's blood that purged sin [past tense—Calvary's Cross]; not a future fire.)  Hebrews clearly tells us that Christ is now the only true priest; and that the Levitical priesthood (which Catholicism's priesthood resembles) was only a shadow and it was abolished at Calvary.  That's not a coincidence; that's a demonic excision of Scripture intended to shrewdly stage the man of sin's seat.  IT'S A ROMAN CATHOLIC MANUSCRIPT that 'modern scholars' are dressing up in pretty packaging (NIV, NKJV[i], ESV, NLT, etc.) and pushing on Christians; all to subvert the fruit of our Protestant forefathers that became ripe in 1611. (cf. Prov. 22:28, 23:10)  Most of these 'scholars' are trained Jesuits or been influenced by their cemeteries (excuse me seminaries); and " marvel..." (II Cor. 11:14) the black pope wants us lose the footing we gat through the Reformation and go back into the dark ages of Catholicism's iron claws rule—Jerome's Latin Vulgate: the pre-reformation dark ages' bible!  Hundreds of years of blood shed, heresy, and hell on earth.  But when the Gospel comes (e.g. Protestant Reformation Bibles) then you see II Timothy 1:10 fulfilled.


Since the Church of Jesus Christ (see Matt. 16:18) is built on the truth (see Eph. 2:20; I Tim. 3:15) and the Word is the truth (see John 17:17; Col. 1:5): God's true Christians should have the Words of God.  The world isn't going to have His Words.  The heretics (Catholics) aren’t going to have it.  The devil is not going to have it. (see John 8:34)  If we want to see where God's Words have been we need to follow Church history and see where God's people were.  Ask yourself, 'Who were Christ's true followers?'  And, 'Who were "...the enemies of the cross of Christ..." (Phil. 3:18)'?  Who died for Christ as martyrs, who died "...for the word of God..." (Rev. 1:9, 6:9, 20:4), and who killed Christ's martyrs?  The answer is clear.  The Vaudios (who had the Old Latin Bible—a/k/a Itala Bible), Reformers, Protestants, Baptists, and Anabaptists: they were God's chosen—the catholics, on the other hand, were the ones who persecuted them. (cf. Gal. 4:29)  The catholics were more in number and worldly prestige; but the faithful, chosen few stayed true (see John 18:19) to the truth of Christ. (see Matt. 7:13-14; I Cor. 1:26-29)


Next point is this: the only reason modern 'bible scholars' say Codex א and B are superior to the Textus Receptus is because they're older (4th century).  Which is true but let's consider a few points: Number one, corruption is an OLD tactic of the enemy.  Number two: they're Alexandrian, and don't agree with one another in over 3,000 places in the Gospels alone!  They don't agree among themselves, but like Herod and Pilate, all they can agree on is to disagree with the Word of God. (א and B don't agree with the Textus Receptus.)  But 99% of the extant Majority Text manuscripts agree!  Hundreds more manuscripts (witnesses), and almost perfect agreement!  Just as God promised. (see Ps. 12:6-7; Matt. 24:35) ¶ However modern 'scholars' still insist that the codices are better because they're older.  But that's not really a factor when looking for the best Biblical manuscripts: remember you're dealing with a spiritual Book.  When you study the history of the Hebrew Bible up to today and consider that (1) God Himself has sovereignly preserved His Words, and (2) He's preserved His Words through copies: NOT originals. (cf. II Tim. 3:15-16)  God's not concerned about the original autographs like modern 'scholars' are.  The main factors are quality, content, and mutual agreement.  Today we have the Holy Bible through a copy AND a translation.  Actually copies of copies and comparing previous translations too—that's The King James 1611 Bible.  If you don't think God can preserved His own Words through a translation (cf. Heb. 11:5) then let me say, you've greatly underestimated God's power. (see Luke 1:37; Ps. 62:11)  Especially when He's dealing with HIS WORDS.  God knows how to translate His own Words.  God's power is unlimited, unfathomable, and incomprehensible.  Samuel Gipp suggests in his book ‘Gipp’s Understandable History of the Bible’ (page 55) that most scholars have the ‘Dumb God Theory’—viz. that God was powerful enough to originally inspire His words, but then too dumb to preserve them throughout church history: so they are lost.  Therefore the Alexandrian scholars, acting as a special priest class (whose final authority is their own opinions) have to come in and ‘rescue’ God and His Bible!


But you say, 'men translated the KJV'.  Nope.  God translated it through them.  Just like he had imperfect and fallible men write perfect and infallible original autographs, He also used imperfect and fallible men to preserved and translate His perfect and infallible Words.  But there is a noteworthy advantage: they were born-again Christians perfected in the Spirit. (see Heb. 10:10, 12:23)  To say that God could use men to write His Words originally in a supernatural manner, but yet deny that he could preserve them as He's promised (see Ps. 12:6-7) or translated them is foolish and unbelieving. (cf. Acts 26:8)


Because that's where God's Words are preserved today.  You can't get your hands on the autographs or manuscripts, but you buy a King James Bible locally.  Quote "...The word is nigh thee..." (Rom. 10:8) yea, "...the word is very nigh unto thee..." (Deut. 30:14).


I'm thankful for the Lord leading brethren like Grady, Daniels, Gipp, other Christian soldiers/defenders to stand up for the King James Bible.  I'm thankful the Holy Spirit has quickened to me learn some of the things He's taught them.  I'm thankful that Christ Jesus nourishes His Body. (see Eph. 5:29; Col. 2:19)  And I'm thankful Lord Jesus, by His grace, led me to write this article too.  In Jesus Christ's Holy Name I pray, Amen & Amen.  Praise God!  Hallelujah!  Alleluia!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.



[i] 'It [the New King James Version] should in fact be called the Thomas Nelson Version. They hold the copyright.' —Dr. David F. Reagan, "The King James Version of 1611. The Myth of Early Revisions."